Wednesday, August 25, 2010

We had a good weekend...

We had our three day convention last weekend...  After the spiritual feast on Friday, Jeff took us to Mikuni's for a literal feast.  This photo does not do justice to the beautiful octopus sculpture hanging from Mikuni's ceiling - but it was the best I could do.

This is out of focus, I know, but our darling waiter took the photo, and it was so busy, I did not have the heart to ask him to do it again...

Was so hungry I forgot to get a picture of the actual meal, the presentation was beautiful, but here is some... 
wasabi and ginger.... yummmm. 

Suzanne & Jeff...

Dessert... Nuvo cuisine, delicious!

Thank you Jeff for a wonderful meal, and good memories, and thank you for Saturday's delicious meal at Mimi's.   Yum, yum, yum!

Roberta is on the mend, and seems to be feeling much better.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Another update on Roberta

I wish I could say "Roberta was released from the hospital, with complications, on Friday.  She is feeling somewhat better and has a doctor's appointment this afternoon."

Roberta sends her love to everyone...  

The reality, Roberta was unexpectedly released from the hospital on Friday.  She said the nurses came into her room suited up like astronauts.  They told her she was being released from the hospital now"Now?" she asked.  "Now!" they replied.  She has MRSA, and they said they were afraid she would be exposed to more infections.  She was hustled out of the hospital so fast she felt like she had been ejected.  She will go to the doctor today, and see what the prognoses is.  In the mean time she said "you can tell everyone I feel like cr-p", her words, not mine. 

I'm afraid this is going to be a continuing saga... hopefully with a good ending.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

...other than that,

Roberta's new dog, Katey.

 Large, black, howler
who constantly looks for escape routes
to lead the other dogs astray.

Other than that, she is a perfectly sweet animal.

So far, there's no news on Roberta today.  I've tried to call her room, but the line has been busy, so I will take that as a good sign.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Update on Roberta's condition...

I was just finishing my "zoo news" yesterday, when we learned that Roberta was put in the hospital for emergency surgery.  She had not been feeling well for a while now. 

The doctor said she had a fast growing abscess from her previous surgery.  Because her skin is so delicate due to her pre-existing medical issues they will keep her in the hospital, in a private room, until they are certain she is healing properly. 

I hope she is able to come home soon.  Will keep you updated if there are any changes.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It's a Zoo Out There...

Yesterday Suzanne and I visited the Sacramento Zoo.  It's not a large zoo, but appears to be well designed, with many large shade trees, and the comfort of their animals in mind.

Welcome to the Zoo...

Lions and...

Tigers (Mama) and....
Baby tiger, Oh My!!!!  Too Cute

I think fur looks best on it's original owner!

It was exhausting-ly hot!!!

There were many strange and beautiful birds

And of course, one of my favorites, 
Marvelous, strange, beautiful...

How did these two get out of their cage?
Two for Trouble...

Suzanne's favorite zoo sculpture - the Crocodile

I rather liked this sculpture.


Rear View...
 No collection is complete without the Giraffe

I absolutely Love the Ring Tail Lemurs...

All in all yesterday was a very good day.

We just got some bad news.  Roberta's in emergency surgery...   She has some health issues, and was not feeling well last night.  Her grand kids took her to the doctor today, and he put her in for surgery immediately.  Will let you know how she is, as soon as I know more.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Mr. Louie

This is Louie, our outdoor kittie, who...

 ...wants to come in,

but he's not allowed, because he sprays.  He has the sweetest nature and loves to be petted, although he does give little love nips (he has really sharp teeth) when he is really happy.  He is a most excellent mouser.  He and Lily often seem to be in competition to see who can leave the most "trophies" at the door. 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Simpler times...

For some reason this reminds me of Anne of Green Gables...  She renamed the most beautiful places with less common-place, romantic names.

This for me is "The Gate of Guarded Virtue".

It is actually "The Gate to the Back Neighbor's (who no longer resides there) Yard".  Isn't it simply tinged with the possibility of  romantic tales?  

xoxoxo G. :-)

Friday, August 13, 2010

...and to continue

The Car... I forgot to list the largest, most expensive possession I own.

The Car!
40.  The Car

And I also forgot to say my car finally passed the smog test.  I needed a new gas cap.  Not overly expensive in itself, but I had to pay to have the car re-tested, and then it starts adding up.  $130. for the new license and fees,  $11. for a new lock style gas cap,  $20. for the first smog test, $30 for the second one.  And me... without a job.  :-)

...and to continue

41.  All my art supplies and craft paraphernalia which, itemized probably numbers in the hundreds of tubes, bottles, paper, canvas, brushes, pots, containers, jars, etc., etc., etc.  So I will list them thusly. Oil Painting supplies.
42.  Water color supplies.
43.  Acrylic painting supplies.
44.  Beading supplies.
45.  ALL other craft supplies.
46.  Wardrobe, including everything
47.  Misc. kitchen stuff
48.  All my other stuff..
49.  AND in a week or two my friend Slade will be helping me get my first (second hand) lap top computer.  This, for me is a huge biggie, and I'm totally looking forward to it.

Simplification is not as easy as it sounds.  You can see that with a number of giant cheats, I'm well below the 100 Things Challenge, ...right.

I think simplification is beautiful goal, but for me it needs to be applied in spirit, not necessarily by the letter of the law.  It is a goal... but could easily become, and should not be an obsession.

Any thoughts about this?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Cast a Long Shadow

Do I own my shadow, or does my shadow own me?

An esoteric question, brought on by a desire to minimalize my life style, encourage over the years by not only the scriptures, but various "simplify your life" books, and now blogs like  Have noticed a trend, not just in myself, but a lot on blogs, especially the 100 Things Challenge.

I live in a small space.  I rent a room in a friend's home, and have been allowed an overflow area for storage, and some space in her kitchen.  You wouldn't think I "own" much "stuff".  But I do...  I have a conflicted desire to collect things, and then a feeling of being drowned by them.  Right now, I have so much stuff I feel like "the boat's going to sink".

So I have started a numbered list of personal possessions.  Not furniture, but the personal stuff, starting with my:

1.  Large Print Bible
2.  Daily text
3.  Standard size Bible
4.  Bible Research books, at least six in current use
5.  K.H. Song Book
6.  20,000 Words
7.  I have limited myself to 25 cookbooks, (honestly, I just sorted through and gave away at least half of them) and two "personal" cookbooks.
8.  Five Journal/Poetry books, 4 retired, one in current use.
9.  Camera, and paraphernalia the goes with it... cords, case, instruction book, etc.
10.  Binoculars & three Birding Books, plus one Birding "card"
11.  Small mosaic dish my mother made years ago
12.  Black & white framed photo (you've seen it in a previous blog) of my brother & sister and me as kids.
Misc. photo albums, and several photos of my son, daughter and son in law.
13.  Four three ring binder "books" I have assembled over the years.
14.  Lambie (a puppet) who hides my flashlight
15.  My little TV/DVD player that I use to play my collection of movies.
16.  My collection of DVD's (many)
17.  Little "jar" labeled "Convenient Rationalizations" that I use to hold pens and pencils
18.  Beaded cup coaster
19. Jigger I use to hold things like my chocolate flavored chap stick near the bed.
20. Three jars of "beach glass" (memories)
21. Washington trip jar (more memories)
22. Mushroom bird on top of Washington trip jar
23. Two small round boxes
24  My China Woman (The Queen) that holds my sewing stuff
25. The tierra on top of The Queen
26. Two glass cloches
27. Blue Bird & her accessories, the tree, the flower, her rhinestone, etc.
28. My eleven book collection of Calvin & Hobbes
29. Several children's books
30. Ten art books
31. Stack of four small "simple pleasures" books
32. Cloth hear box containing earrings
33.  Silver wire basket holding necklaces and bracelets
34.  Butterfly glasses
35.  The cross stitched seahorse, my dear friend Nada made and left to me, and the easel it stands on
36.  Cell phone and chargers
37.  My sand collection
38.  Stone Heart collection
39.  Small collection of seashells

and that's just a beginning...  arghhhhh.  I feel like such a hedonist - will it never end?  Oh, and here's another site you might enjoy, I found it through,  I just started perusing it...

That's all for now folk... xoxoxo G.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

For your viewing pleasure...

Hey... what are you doing up there???

You just want to watch...?  Hmmmm....

Let me introduce myself, I'm Cat.

'Allo Cat, I'm Crow

I'm Bunny, are you here for the exercise class?

Hi Cat, I'm Little Mouse...


I'm Rough-N-Tuff

 I'm Nerdy... 
What do you mean "No food in class"???

But I love carrots...

Are you ready?

You like my feet?

This is not as easy as it looks...

Don't I have Ex-Cellent form...


That was a lot of work!

We're done, I'm out'ta here!

Me too.... 

...Bye bye

Presented for your viewing pleasure, Polymer Clay Critters, created eons ago, when Suzanne was small.  Articulated arms and legs...  They were fun to create.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Something has caught Blue Bird's eye...

What does she see?

Something that glitters...

How pretty...
Is it edible???

There's more... It's A-Maz-Ing!

This one's so large... 
(It's fake, but don't tell her)
It's overwhelming...

Blue Bird has a lot to think about...

See you later Blue Bird.