Tuesday, March 30, 2010

On Friday, Suzanne, Roberta and I went to Daffodil Hill.  Yahoo mapped directions to get there, and of course it routed us through the most rural roads.  Not complaining though, we could not have asked for a prettier drive... though the roads were twisted and narrow it was georgous!!!  Saw three wild turkeys in the middle of a rough section of  the road.  One, a male I think, was ruffed up and flaired out and so concentrated on his "dance" that it took him a while to notice us, so we just enjoyed the show for a bit.  When he finally noticed us all three silently scattered and dissapeared into the woods.  For such large, showey creatures they certainly are camifloged well.  Once they stepped into the woods they were "gone" we could not see them at all. 

Daffodil Hill was very pretty, not large, but certainly worth the drive.  Suzanne and I counted at least ten spieces of daffodils, although hundreds of varieties are planted.  I'm glad we went before the showey display was over, because the bloom period is short, and the rains damage the blossoms.  Here is another instance of "if I knew how to insert photos..."

The  weather has been beautiful, although storms are predicted.  There was a fine talk last night by a brother from Bethel, and afterwards he and his wife were interviewd...  They were very entertaining.  Memorial is tonight, and I'm still coughing, so I'm going to try and conserve my energy till then. 

Have seen a lot of Robins, and the Sacramento area's Yellow Billed Magpies.

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