Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It was 104 degrees in Sacramento on Sunday and there was not a breeze stirring.  It was hot enough to fry an egg on the hood of your car.  Too hot for wimpy me... 

A slight breeze picked up yesterday, and this morning it's much cooler thanks to the Delta Wind.  It should be noted that when I say it's "cooler" I don't mean incrementally, five minutes ago I flung my bedroom window and the house doors open to access this wonderful phenomena and already the house is two degrees cooler.

I plan to spend a few hours with Suzanne today and, if she is having a "good" day, we may go out somewhere for a little while.  If not, I have an alternative plan...  Went to a garage sale Saturday and found a treasure trove of beads.  What a find, hundreds of pretty projects we can do that don't require much energy.

Well, that's it for now, I'm going for a walk while it's still cool enough.

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