I've added a bit to my profile - music. That seems harmless enough...
These two pages are my take on visual word challenges.
Does this represent "quiet" to you?
Standing on a still beach under the stars,
Or the sound of a cricket on a dark night?
Change can represent many things...
From the metomophis of a catapiller
To changes in our personality.
And there's always the change in your pocket...
And I wanted to share this little guy...
Ain't it the truth.
That's it for now... gotta get my car Smog Checked. There is only pass or fail. Here's hoping for a "Passed".
Love the word descriptions....I believe that the Ocean and the Crickets are quiet......But to some the Crickets would be too much noise.
I call it nature's tones.
I also love the one about change! Great representation and meaning....And don't disRespect what you don't know......
Those are great.....♥♥♥
Gail, your story reminds me of a story I read and liked. The name is "Hope for the Flowers" by Trina Paulus. ms.
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