Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Well here she is, all bright and shiny and complete.  Well, perhaps not completely complete.  I think a tiny little shell hanging from her necklace might be a nice touch.

Was she really a mermaid...
She had been away from the sea for to long and could not remember. 
She could smell salt in the air & knew the satisfying vastness of the sea was near... 
The journey was almost over, the adventure about to begin.

You can't see how really pretty she is with the turquoise and green glitter... very shiny.  There is more to her story, but I could not fit it all on the sheet.

That's it for now.  xoxoxo G.


Anonymous said...

I think you are very creative. A long with your many drawing talents you should be a story writter. Great Job... Roberta

Janina♥ said...

Dear Gail,
I love the story of the little mermaid...It reminded me for a brief moment being along the sea...That I miss so much. Very stunning work. ♥♥ ♥ Like your mermaid♥ Look forward to more...♥
