Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hola, anyone who is out there. First my greetings to the Rileys, thank you for keeping in touch, and apologies for not responding back correctly... have not quite gotten a handle on how to operate some of the functions of blogging. At any rate, your messages on this blog brighten my day. :-)

I'm in Gainesville now, have been here since Monday, and Florida weather has been COLD. Sorry did not mean to "shout", but it has been c.o.l.d.... brrr.

Second, a clarification on my my latest movie recommendations. "First, Do No Harm", and "I am David" are excellent movies, but I do not recommend them for children. I personally think these two movies are too intense for younger ones... just a heads up.

Have add ons to my birder list: Carolina Wrens, a Hermit Thrush, a Hawk (Cooper's, I think), of course assorted sparrows, and can't remember if I mentioned Robins.

This afternoon Pam and I are hitting the local bead shop, yarn shop and art gallery. Should be fun... I have a number of beading projects to finish up.

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