Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Lost in the woods?

Trees, beautiful trees...

Can't see the forest for the trees?  They say, if you're lost in the woods you tell North by which side of the tree the moss grows on...

North side of the tree... 

South side of the tree...

North side of the tree...

South side of the tree...

North side of the tree....

South side of the tree --
Just a minute, sometimes moss grows all around the tree. 
What's up with that?

Sometimes we get lost in the minutia of life.
Pretty, isn't it?

Well, mostly I know up from down, but I don't always know what direction I'm going in.  However, if I set my sites on something tall (a goal maybe) in the distance, I usually end up where I am going.  That's all I have to say on the matter.  TTFN xoxoxo G.


Anonymous said...

Gail, you are so imaginative. I appreciate your viewpoint! ms.

Janina♥ said...

Gail~ Loving the Moss it just loves to grow on trees. Great photos....♥

~Ciao Bella Janina♥