Sunday, August 1, 2010

Finally... a painting.

Finally... a painting.  Or at least a beginning.

6" x 8" Acrylic
on Canvas Board

I like the beginnings of this piece.  Primed the canvas with diluted orange and sketched her in with less undiluted orange paint.  Also used a Rexel Derwent Watercolour pencil, Deep Vermilion #14.  Raised her shoulder, and made the cat slightly larger and a bit taller.

Still needs work...

First painting I've done in ages, don't forget, you can click on the photo to make it larger...any feed back?

xoxoxo TTFN


Anonymous said...

cool , i really like the orange and blue. i like the way the edge of the cats outline is transparent before you put in the blue. ; j

Anonymous said...

Hi Gail! Love the painting...hope to see more! I never got to see your work while you were here...

Enjoyed your beautiful photos, too.

kt said...

Oops, I forgot to put my name!

Janina said...

Love the Painting of the Girl and the Cat....♥♥♥

