Wednesday, July 7, 2010

This is fun...

Hope you are enjoying the photos.  I know I am much more satisfied with my blogging endeavors.  And of course I have more to share... so here we go.

Here are some earrings I made a few days ago....  

Isn't this a sweet little bead?  

I purchased a "ton" of beads, to share with Suzanne, at a garage sale two weeks ago.  Thought they would make a nice project for us to work on while she is recuperating.  There were 13 pounds of beads in the batch... some are extraordinary, some only one of a kind, most simply beautiful, and some junk-quie...

So far we have been busy sorting through them, but for me, beads are a type of instantaneous gratification - I couldn't wait - and I couldn't resist sharing the results.  Tell me what you think.  :-).  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool earings, glad you could get the photos to post on your page!